May 21, 2009

Snapshot : Mooching moments

The reason I call my blog Cloudburst Beauty is because I love the way sun bursts through dark clouds so brightly - in big, fat, stunning golden rays - that all you can do is stare. And stare. And smile. Whether I'm on a plane or in the country or just looking out the window from home, it'll get me every time.

That's what it's like when I see a photograph or doodle or notecard that I love. I kind of connect with it, though I can't explain what I mean by that. When you see art that you love, you just get it. Right?

But nothing can replace being in nature. Sitting under a wise, old tree. Feeling alive in the wind and rain. Watching a snail mooch around its 'hood, listening to crazy birds and staring into the wonder that is a flower.

Which is why I'm so excited... I'm minutes away from jumping in the car with the hubby and dog and going bush! We're heading to a friend's cabin for a few nights. Bring on the log fire, the impossibly slow roasts and the books. Oh the books.

The pics I'm featuring today are by Ioana. Her entire collection is so relaxing to flick through, I had trouble choosing only a few to post. In the end, I fell for the rounded corners. They 'feel' nice. Here's a few words from Ioana:

I love to photograph people, mostly in the street, trying not to get invasive. And my sister.

I photograph because, as I don't have any other talent, it's the only way to express what i constantly observe. I'm a visual third-person narrator. Even when I shoot self-portraits. Sometimes I try to create memories I don't have.

Well, I won't be posting again until next week, so don't miss me too much.
Thanks Ioana for sharing your incredible photos.
And happy birthday to me.

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